The values which connect us worldwide

STIHL employs people all over the world and the company is at home in global markets. So it is important for us to embody values that connect us across national borders and which guide our actions. After all, only those who continuously develop themselves and align their company with lasting principles and binding guidelines can reap sustainable success. As a family-owned business, that is something we are certain of. And it is an approach which is reflected in our corporate culture and values. Our values have grown along with the company, and they are constantly being embodied in new ways and developed further day after day.

Consistent customer focus: Creating value for customers

Consistent customer focus: Creating value

We want to impress our customers over and over again with the outstanding quality of our power tools and services. Our goal: People who buy STIHL products should be not just satisfied, but delighted about STIHL. Together with our dealers, we build sustainable customer relationships. Our activities aim to create a close, personal and emotional bond between our end customers and the brand. Every power tool can only be as good as its servicing. That’s why we offer comprehensive, outstanding service solutions for the market through our network of dealers.

Globalization: A global market leader

A global market leader

Global markets offer growth potential, but also room for more competition. Both demand a great deal of agility from STIHL. We want to be the world’s leading brand for our industry and to further expand our global market position. To this end, we create global standards and synergies at all stages of value creation and at the same time remain close to the local needs of our markets. Our global sales network and international production network form the basis for continued STIHL success. We pursue a balanced location policy and manufacture in line with the highest production and quality standards all over the world.

Fairness and responsibility: Respect for people and the environment

Fairness and responsibility:
Respect for people and the environment

As a family-owned company, at STIHL we believe we have a special responsibility for people and nature. Ensuring that we meet the highest occupational and product safety standards is therefore one of our basic principles, as is compliance with the Declaration of Principles on Respect for Human and Environmental Rights. We respect nature’s resources by means of efficient, sustainable processes and products. We maintain long-term and cooperative partnerships with dealers, suppliers and business partners. All of our actions are based on the fundamental values of honesty, lawfulness and fairness. We stand for an open and trusting corporate culture and promote entrepreneurial thinking and independent action – built on the binding foundation of the STIHL Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct summarises the main principles of the company. To guide us – and to set out fair and responsible action in the interests of the company. Every single day.

Innovative power: Leading with new ideas

Innovative power:
Leading with new ideas

We want to set standards in the areas of technology and innovation. That is why we are advancing the development of innovative products and services. We are driven from within by a strong culture of innovation that applies cutting-edge technologies, processes and market insights in all areas of the company. When it comes to the use of digital technologies, we want to be the leader in terms of our power tools, services and customer contact, as well as tapping into new business models and sales potential. The same applies to the digital networking of people, machines and products.

Performance orientation: Setting benchmarks

Performance orientation:
Setting benchmarks

STIHL stands for top quality today and in the future. This approach forms the basis for market success and profitable growth, and secures our corporate independence in the long term. It also necessitates a strong performance orientation throughout the entire value chain. With optimal conditions and by leading through partnership, we enable our employees to achieve their full potential in order to fulfill our quality promise for customers in every division. As an attractive employer, we find and promote talent.

Code of Conduct

Guiding what we do and saying who we are: The STIHL Code of Conduct

As part of an open, trusting corporate culture that promotes entrepreneurial thinking and independent action, the STIHL Code of Conduct describes how employees at STIHL should conduct themselves correctly and fairly, both in their interactions with each other and with business partners and customers. As an expression of who we are, the STIHL Code of Conduct is the binding foundation for our actions and expresses convictions and basic values that guide us all, even in difficult everyday situations – and support us in acting as a reliable and lawful company, worldwide. 

Any violations of this Code of Conduct or applicable law by STIHL can be reported to our Compliance department by email at or to the whistleblower system. 

More about our values and guidelines

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