A normal day for me either involves visiting and meeting up with approved dealers or working in the office with my team. I usually start my day before 8 a.m. The first thing I do is take a look at the figures, and then I have a series of meetings or team sessions. Visits to approved dealers give me important insights into the market and allow me to be in direct contact with customers and listen to their concerns and recommendations. There are so many things that can’t be learned in the office, that I have to go out and talk to people for. Experiencing the commitment, passion, and love STIHL approved dealers have for the STIHL brand is very inspiring and touching too.

I would like all women to be able to find the right balance for them.
Simona Anca-Mantescu, Managing Director STIHL Romania
Simona Anca-Mantescu, Managing Director, STIHL Romania, Bucharest

Prior to STIHL, I spent almost 25 years working for BIC in a variety of roles in marketing and sales in different regions and countries, including a stretch of just under two years in France. After returning to my homeland, I took on the role of Managing Director in 2011. Shortly before I joined STIHL, I was responsible for 14 countries in Central and Southeastern Europe, with multiple offices and an international team. All of the new things at STIHL, like the products, the business model, and the business partners, are a different challenge to what I was used to. We are living through a time of global transformation in many respects. In Romania, I have had to change a lot of things in the past two years — from processes to working methods to teams. Now it’s time to establish a sustainable model on robust foundations that can secure the success of STIHL over the long term. I like the sound of that challenge.

Simona Anca-Mantescu, Managing Director STIHL Romania

I have never felt that I faced challenges specifically because I’m a woman. The only obstacle that comes to mind was when I returned from my maternity leave, with my daughter just six months old. I immersed myself in a new task, which required a lot of travel and time away from my family. That was extremely difficult on occasion and required a lot of organization. But at the end of the day we managed it well. I hope all women can strike the right balance between their family lives and their work. Apart from that, I have always been lucky enough to work with and for people who appreciate skills and competencies regardless of gender and who value and promote people on the basis of their contribution to the company and the results they produce.

The woman I look up to most is not a celebrity, but my mom. She is the best role model to me. She had a very successful career and managed to prove herself in a professional environment and enjoy recognition and admiration for what she achieved. At the same time, she was the one who took care of the whole family, who kept us all together, and spurred us on. Now she says she has the best job ever: being a fantastic grandmother to my daughter. Her special nature undoubtedly has a positive impact on my daughter, too.